Transfer Policy

Canton Independent School District
Transfer Policy
A student wishing to transfer into Canton ISD shall file an application for transfer with the Superintendent's Secretary.
The following factors will be considered:
- The grade level of the student seeking admission and the effect of additional students at the grade level or class size, staffing, and facilities.
- The disciplinary and criminal record of the student seeking admission.
- The attendance record of the student seeking admission.
- The academic record of the student seeking admission.
- Any additional factor not prohibited by law as deemed relevant by the Canton ISD School Board of Trustees.
The School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any nonresident transfer student for admission to Canton ISD.
The transfer fee is set at $250.00 per student for the 2024-25 school year and the full payment will be required if your child/children are approved.
The transfer fee is nonrefundable because of transfer revocation or student withdrawal. Transfer students may be revoked by the Superintendent at any time for good cause.
Other information:
- Transfer applications: Transfer students are required to complete a new application each year. Applications are considered on an individual basis without regard to sex, race, national origin, color, religion, disability, or ancestral language. In making decisions, the Superintendent may consider Student's attendance and disciplinary history, as well as the District's class sizes. available resources, and any potential effect on resident students.
- GT program: Parent acknowledges that placement of a transfer student in the District's gifted and talented program is contingent upon a review of records, observation reports, and re-evaluation.
- Transportation: Canton ISD is not required to provide transportation to our of district transfer students.
- Additional conditions: This section does not limit the provisions in this agreement concerning disciplinary infractions. Because an inter-district transfer is a privilege rather than a right, the agreement may be revoked for any of the following reasons, without limitations: a. The student's attendance has fallen below ninety-five percent in any semester. b. The student has earned repeated failing grades in any class. The student has engaged in minor violations of the Student Code of Conduct. The student has engaged repeatedly in behavior that hinders the learning of other students. e. The student has engaged in any gang-related activity. The student has engaged in conduct that is disruptive to the educational process of the District. The student's vaccination record becomes out of compliance with state law. h. A District administrator determines that a false statement has been made in any part of the application.
Upon the occurrence of any of the listed circumstances, the Superintendent shall, before making a decision, receive the recommendation of the campus Principal concerning the status of the transfer. If the transfer is revoked, the District will notify the parent and the student's school district of residence.
Documents required with transfer application in order to be considered:
- Current year report card
- Current year discipline report
- Current year attendance report
- Copy of High School transcript if applicable
- Current Shot record
- Proof of Residence (utility bill (water, electric, or gas) with your name printed on them)
To inquire about the transfer application process, you may contact Stacie Wilkerson at the Administration Office by phone 903-567-4179 or email [email protected].
The deadline to apply for a New to the District Transfer for the 2024-25 school year is May 31, 2024.