Allergy Information
Most anaphylactic reactions occur when a child is accidentally exposed to an offending food or is stung by a bee.
Contact the campus nurse for a written individual health care plan devised in conjunction with the parent/guardian and will include:
• The child’s name
• Specific offending allergens (peanuts, bee stings, etc.)
• Plans for preventing inadvertent contact with a life-threatening allergen at school
• Warning signs of a reaction
• Plans for emergency treatment
It is useful for the child to wear a Medic-Alert bracelet or necklace or to carry a card.
If your child has allergies, please contact the campus school nurse so that an individualized plan is developed to meet the medical needs of your student.
Kim Davis, Director of Nursing (Elementary) - 903-567-6521
John Norrell (Intermediate) - 903-567-6418
Marilyn Lance (Junior High) - 903-567-4329
Sunday Elerson (High School) - 903-567-6561
Attached below is a Family Food Allergy Health Form. This form may be completed in the event that your child has severe allergy reactions.